Camera Shy? Here’s why you can’t afford to be! Humanizing your social media accounts is KEY to success.
We completely understand that putting yourself out there on social media can be intimidating! For those of you who are great in the spotlight, what are you waiting for?? And for the others who hated the thought of public speaking in high school, we see you and we hear you.
Statistics prove time and time again that audiences respond better and engage significantly more with accounts that they can place a face to the name with. It helps the viewer build a bond and relationship with your brand, which in turn will foster trust and increased business. It’s like a domino effect. How can you expect someone to use your services if they’ve never seen your face or heard your voice? This is especially important now during these times of working remotely. People crave human interaction and conversation. It’s what makes us tick. We need to provide that to them and foster that connection.
Sometimes the scariest part about putting yourself on social media is just starting. Make that first step and introduce yourself to your audience. See how you can help them! Remember, what did we learn? It's all about what value you can provide to people!
If you're nervous about what you may sound like, did you know that videos on social media are often viewed WITHOUT sound. That's why it’s also important to add captions to these videos as well. There are apps that can do that for you! If you need more help on that, you can write back to me with the subject “caption help.”