Social Media Habits You Need To Break

Habits are hard to break and sometimes you might not even want to break them...

Have you ever been told:

  • “You need to be posting on social media more!”

  • “You need to make an Instagram/Pinterest/YouTube account!”

  • “You need to take the time to go on more often!”

  • “Get with the times!”

💭Does it make you think:

  • “I don’t have the time!”

  • “I hate social media!”

  • “I have a loyal customer base already!”

  • “I don’t want to share my personal life.”

You’re not alone! The purpose of this habit-breaking newsletter is to inform you, not shame you. There are people out there, like ourselves here at socialtopia, that genuinely want your organization to succeed. I’m here to tell you you’re not in this alone and social media marketing doesn’t have to be nearly as intimidating, time-sucking, or annoying as you think it will be!

If you’re spending thousands upon thousands of dollars advertising on TV, let’s examine that for just a second. Wouldn’t you want to get the most bang for your buck? Utilize the current atmosphere. If you’re anything like me, you don't love commercials and use it as a time to spend scrolling on social media anyway. Be. where. your. audience. is. 💯

❗It may be tempting to say, “If they don’t like us, then don't use our services/goods!” However, the reality is, you need to think of your social media as a forum for customer service. By ignoring any comments, both negative and positive, you leave things open to interpretation and we all know what people say about making assumptions. Deal with negative comments head-on to find a solution. It won’t always be perfect, but it is necessary.

✨It can be scary to try new things, especially when budgets are tight and you're in a period of ramping up that can take months to see traction. Social media is in the now and is the way of the future. There are so many more strides to come. You don’t have to go from 0-100 all at once, but let’s get you moving in the right direction. If you don’t take a chance, how will you ever live up to your fullest potential?